Excerpted from wikipedia...
[Krupa made his first recordings in 1927, with a band under the leadership of Red McKenzie and guitarist Eddie Condon. Along with other recordings by musicians from the Chicago jazz scene such as Bix Beiderbecke, these recordings are examples of Chicago style jazz. The numbers recorded at that session were "China Boy", "Sugar", "Nobody's Sweetheart", and "Liza". The McKenzie-Condon recordings are notable for being early examples of the use of a bass drum and snare drum/cymbals on recordings, at least for the studio where these recordings were made. Some of Krupa's big influences during this time were Father Ildefonse Rapp, Roy Knapp (both teachers of Gene).]
Jimmy McPartland c / Frank Teschemacher cl / Bud Freeman ts / Joe Sullivan p / Eddie Condon bj / Jim Lannigan bb, sb / Gene Krupa d / Mezz Mezzrow cymbals.
Recorded in Chicago on December 16, 1927.
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